
Menstuff® has information on being faithful.

2008 Love Survey: What Is Love Today?

Is cheating as prevalent as it appears to be? AOL Personals wanted to find out the truth about infidelity, so we surveyed men and women and asked them the hard questions about cheating.

We broke down their responses by age group, to see if attitudes about infidelity differ. See where people your age stand on the issues, and share your thoughts about love, dating, and cheating.

Thank Goodness for Guilt

Q: Would you cheat on your partner if you knew s/he would never find out?
Survey Says: Although most people wouldn't cheat, people in their 30's are more likely to cheat.

Yes, We Would Cheat

Ages 20 to 29: 7 percent
Ages 30 to 39: 11 percent
Ages 40 to 49: 9 percent
Ages 50 to 59: 9 percent
Ages 60 to 69: 8 percent

Some Things Never Change

Q: Do you think men or women are more likely to cheat?
Survey Says: In every age group, most believe that men are more likely to cheat than women.

We Think Men Cheat More

Ages 20 to 29: 59 percent
Ages 30 to 39: 56 percent
Ages 40 to 49: 61 percent
Ages 50 to 59: 57 percent
Ages 60 to 69: 58 percent

Cheat and It's Over

Q: Would you stay in a relationship with someone who cheated on you?
Survey Says: Most wouldn't, but those in their 20's are least likely to work through infidelity.

No Way

Ages 20 to 29: 54 percent
Ages 30 to 39: 48 percent
Ages 40 to 49: 43 percent
Ages 50 to 59: 44 percent
Ages 60 to 69: 44 percent

What You Don't Know ...

Q: Would you ever confess to cheating?
Survey Says: Most 20-somethings surveyed would, but don't expect the 60-year-olds to come clean.

I'll Never Tell

Ages 20 to 29: 21 percent
Ages 30 to 39: 27 percent
Ages 40 to 49: 30 percent
Ages 50 to 59: 35 percent
Ages 60 to 69: 43 percent

Cheating: The Common Enemy

Q: Is cheating a normal part of relationships?
Survey Says: Most people say no, but 60-somethings are more likely to accept cheating as the norm.

Nothing Normal About Infidelity

Ages 20 to 29: 73 percent
Ages 30 to 39: 65 percent
Ages 40 to 49: 66 percent
Ages 50 to 59: 65 percent
Ages 60 to 69: 55 percent

Don't Worry; Not Everyone Cheats
Don't let the AOL Personals survey results fool you. Lots of singles (and married couples) believe in being faithful and loyal.

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