Would Charlie Sheen Move in on His Ex's Friend? Hey Doc, I was involved in a relationship for four years with my ex, Terri. Things ended on a sour note, but I guess they always do, dont they? What happened was that Terri cheated on me, so I put an end to it. I later found out that she also cheated on me another time as well. At the end, I was trying so hard to make it work that it was extremely tiring. Who wants to be in a relationship when your partner cheated on you, right? About a month or so after our breakup I started to pick up some heavy vibes coming from one of our mutually close friends, Vanessa. Even when I was with my ex I always felt that Vanessa was interested in me, but I didnt feel right doing anything about it since she and my ex were tight friends. Well, its been about two months now and Ive been seeing Vanessa occasionally. Shes ready to move into a heavy relationship with me as soon as I say the word. Things couldnt be better between us, but the problem is that my ex has been calling me, telling me that she is sorry about what happened, that she never meant to hurt me and that she wants to work on being friends again so that we can be back to where we once were. She wants me to end things with Vanessa. To make it even more interesting, Vanessa wants me to stop talking to or seeing my ex. Can it really work with someone who was a mutual friend of a guy and his ex-girlfriend? Or are there too many issues to ever make the transition smoothly? I have a lot of things in common with Vanessa, but my ex was a big part of me. On the other hand, why should I care about someone who nearly destroyed me? If I let Vanessa go now, there might never be a chance of rekindling it with her. At the same time Im concerned that our connections to my ex might be too much and her memory will be hovering over both of us forever. Doc, what would you do if you were in my position? Pepper - who doesnt know if he can overcome the past Hi Pepper, Its interesting that you say things always end on a sour note because the goal of The System is to have a woman want to keep you for the rest of her life. And now that people are living into their seventies and eighties and nineties, thats a very long time not to get bored to death with someone. To you Psych majors, you have to always be on top of your game if you expect to keep her in love with you forever and not end on a sour note at least once in your life. Nevertheless, it was you who ended the relationship with Terri. Great. Perfect. According to my cousin Rabbi Love, You did the right thing, my son. And I hope youre dating lots of other women. So, your ex had more than one fling behind your back? Like my cousin Sal The Fish Love says, Is this girl a community project or what? What were you trying to make work at the end? Your relationship with Terri is busted. There was nothing to make work. The contract between you and her is null and void. Its finished. Like my cousin Brother Love down in Watts says, Once the woman cheats, its finito, bro. But most guys are weak and will give her another shot at screwing with his head. For your sake I hope youre not a Wimpus Americanus, Pepper. Dude, Im happy you picked up heavy vibes from Vanessa. You deserve something good after being betrayed by someone you trusted for years. As my cousin Fast Eddie Love would say, Isnt revenge sweet? And she and your ex were as tight as twins? Thats even more reason to go after Vanessa! Pepper, its not a problem at all that your ex is calling and begging to talk to you. Actually, its predictable. Just dont pick the phone up and dont call her back. End of problem. Remember, man, Terri is only telling you about two guys she fooled around with. Like my cousin General Love says, Hopefully she wasnt playing with the entire battalion when you werent looking. Vanessas right. You shouldnt be talking to or seeing Terri. Shes ancient history and shes bad for your head. So make the break, Pepper. Tell your ex that Vanessa and you have something great going, that you dont want it messed with, and that you and she had a good run but its over. Then its thank you and goodbye. But you have another problem here, buddy. You have to figure out how you turned your ex off. Because you dont want it to happen again. You have to figure out why Terri came to hate and resent you so much she couldnt wait to be with another man. Did you try to turn her into your mommy? How much of a Challenge were you, Pepper? Or were you smothering Terri like a blanket until she ran screaming into another mans arms? Of course it can work out between you and Vanessa. Terri and she are squabbling over you because, as my book says, Kitty Kats Kompete. But there wont be any problems with Vanessa as long as you keep her Interest Level up in the 90s like it is now. When she stops fawning over you, then youre in trouble. Your ex might have been a big part of you, but, as you just said, shes your EX. As in ADIOS. As in OVER. As in DONE. It goes without saying that you dont want someone destroying you, but the better question is, why should you care about someone you cant trust? So feel free to make a go of it with Vanessa, Pepper. Dont worry about whose ghost is hovering over you. Youve been reading too many psychology books -- thats your problem. What would I do if I were in your position, pal? Id fall in love with Vanessa. But make sure you know what youre doing this time around. Because you only get one shot. Remember, guys: if she strays, dont give her a second chance to do it again. © 2008, DocLove Dot Com Other Relationship Issues, Books I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you. - Luigi Pirandello Doc Love is a talk show host, entertainment speaker, and coaches men in his seminars. For the past 30 years he has asked thousands of women, "Why do you stay with one man versus another?" He is the author of the Master Series, available at www.doclove.com Archives for 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, and 2000.
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