Daily Thoughts & Issues



Days left until the next millennium 01.01.3001

Photo of the Week
Dugald Bremner/Tony Stone Images
Achieve Your Dreams

January 16 - CNN televises fighting in The Persian Gulf War 1991. * Day El Salvador's 12-year civil war ended (1992); Vigil for true peace, justice, and respect for the human rights of all in Central America. The Mystic's Wheel of the Year. * In the first bombing of Germany since the Casablanca Conference, the British Royal Air Force began heavy bombing of Germany by day and night to bring about "the progressive destruction and dislocation of the German military (1943), industrial and economic system and for the undermining of the morale of the German people. * Civil Service was created by Congress (1883). * In a precursor of things to come, 75 New York schools closed down for lack of coal (1918). By order of the US Fuel Administrator, all industry east of the Mississippi not crucial to the war effort was shut down. Factories remained closed for five days. De ja vu (2001) * General Dwight D Eisenhower arrived in London to assume command of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe (1944.) He was charged with the most far-reaching push of the war - the invasion of France. * Prohibition (Eighteenth) Amendment became part of the constitution (1919) One year later (1920) the Amendment took effect and the sale of alcoholic beverages became illegal in the US with the Volstead Act providing for enforcement. * Birthdays: John Carpenter, Benjamin Franklin, Dizzy Dean, Andre Michelin, Robert William Service, John Carpenter, David Chokachi, Anthony Joseph (A.J.) Foyt, Jr., Jack Burns McDowell, Ronnie Milsap, Francesco Scavullo.


The Spiritual Principle of Service. The noblest service comes from nameless hands, And the best servant does his work unseen. - Oliver Wendell Holmes. Service is the guiding spiritual principle that connects us to each other. Without a consumed with self-centeredness and petty desires. Service gives me the opportunity to reach out beyond myself and give to others. Putting this principle into action, I share with my community the same gift of caring and compassion that I have received from my Higher Power. The message I bring is often the simple offering of love, of lightheartedness, of listening well. As I seize these opportunities, I find that my life makes a difference in the lives of others. Each person I touch in the spirit of service will touch the lives of others. Through this ever-widening circle of service, our community, our nation, the entire world can be transformed into a more humane and loving place. A Quiet Strength: Meditations on the Masculine Soul

Men are…desirable, illuminating, rambunctious, tender. Men are: A Book of Inspiration

Today, more than one-third of women in the age range of eighteen to twenty-two are showing signs of significant depression: the risk of depression among young men is rising to almost the same level as among women. Yet, despite bouts of depression, the fact that more than half of young American women and men are gaining higher education is without precedent. New Passages

Stress-Free Travel. The key to making a family airplane trip hassle-free is to put your own flight plan into effect from the beginning. Tell your travel agent you will be traveling with children, how many, and their ages. The agent can tailor your flight times and seating arrangements to fit your needs. Your agent should also try to book you on direct flights so you won't have to switch planes. Parents Tips & Tricks

Things to Be Happy About: Pizza delivery in a snowstorm, a sentimental journey, congratulating a friend, new socks with fluffy insides. 14,000 Things to Be Happy About

When you begin to feel stressed, stop and do something to give yourself a needed break. Take a walk or a short nap, play, pray, make something, read, feed the birds - whatever helps you feel more relaxed or gives you some pleasure. If Life is a Game, These are the Rules

Tim was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages, so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on - Benjamin Franklin. The Old Farmer's Almanac

If you're a boss, try being more of a teacher. Life's Little Instruction Calendar

At the Office: Adopt a needy family for the year. Every month, put together a collection of needed clothing, housewares, food or other special requirements for the family. Make Christmas the grand finale. Talk to local support agencies to help you get started. The Old Farmer's Almanac

Consciousness. There's lots of talk about consciousness, but what is it really? Is it being aware? Is it part of self-discovery? Yes and yes. Think of consciousness as the time between a stimulus and your response. For example, your spouse offers you constructive criticism. You respond without reflection, without the time in between. It's knee-jerk. You can't process the intent of the criticism because your response originates from your past. You get defensive. Then, if your spouse unconsciously gets hooked by your defensiveness, you're both lost. You're both locked into associations from the past. Neither of you is conscious. But when you take the time to hear the criticism and pause to determine the motivation, then you can be aware of how you decide how to respond. Maybe you appreciate your spouse trying to be helpful but the comment isn't what you need. You can say that with care and appreciation. Neither of you is lost in the past and both of you feel appreciated. You are both using consciousness to be loving. I consciously commit to loving my spouse. "Consciousness is moving from being reactive to being intentional in our lives." Joyce and Andre Patenaude. Opening to Love 365 Days a Year

Elegir ehlehHEER) - to pick. Living Language


Everything that lives
Lives not alone, nor for itself. - William Blake

The happiest people are those who dedicate their lives to others. Theirs is real wealth and fulfillment; they have everything they want. Sometimes parents claim to live for their children, when it's clear that they're living through them, taking vicarious gratification in their achievements. How much better for parents to savor their own achievements and to give of themselves freely and joyously, so their children will have models worth emulating.

Happiness lies in developing our connection with all of life, not just our family members, and freeing that connection from our egos so the stream of generous energy can flow through us and back to its ultimate Source. Every move we make sets up a ripple with far-reaching effects. We'll never see the ultimate results of most of our actions; they will flow past us, in space and time. But the more freely we give ourselves, the more will be returned to us. Family Feelings

Hey Man: Did you make a difference yesterday? Let us know at Contact Us. As others enrich me, so I give back richness. And it will come back to me, manyfold. Family Feelings Want to make a difference but you don't know where to start?


Be the Change:  How meditation can transform you and the world by Ed & Deb Shapiro. A prisoner in a Chinese jail, the author was able to find solace by sitting quietly in contemplation. Deeply affected by the experience of walking on the moon, astronaut Edgar Mitchell went from exploring outer space to discovering the vastness of inner space. While coping with HIV, Mark Matousek found healing through group meditation. Seane Corn used her yoga and meditation expertise to work with child prostitutes in Los Angeles. In the last few decades, people in all walks of life have begun to realize the profound benefits of meditation. While this ancient practice is personally transformative in that it calms the mind and reduces stress, awakens the heart, and deepens insight, can meditation also change the world for the better? Two award-winning authors and some of today's most notable voices explore this issue, reflecting on how looking within can resolve issues such as anger and fear, inspiring a movement toward a more caring and peaceful future. Sterling Ethos, www.sterlingpublishing.com, 2009 ISBN 978-1-4027-6001-3





  • The Advice Diva - The Advice Diva - relationship and sexuality issues discussed - www.menstuff.org/columns/advicediva/archive.html
  • Peter Alsop - Song of the Month - www.menstuff.org/columns/alsop/archive.html
  • Reid Baer - A Man Overboard - Interview of the Month - www.menstuff.org/columns/overboard/archive.html
  • Reid Baer - Poetry - poetry read on YouTube - www.menstuff.org/columns/baer/archive.html
  • Molly Barrow - Shrink About This - www.menstuff.org/columns/barrow/archive.html
  • Peter Baylies - At Home Dads - on at-home-dad issues that impact fathers who stay at home to raise their kids - www.menstuff.org/columns/baylies/archive.html
  • Tom Blake - Middle-Age Relationships - from an expert on dating after 50. www.menstuff.org/columns/blake/archive.html
  • Mark Brandenburg - Great Fathers - on fathering issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/greatfathers/archive.html
  • Ted Braude - BoysWork - a columnist in the The Detroit Free Press "Body and Mind" section www.menstuff.org/columns/braude/archive.html
  • Armin Brott - A Father's Guide - hosts "Positive Parenting" on radio www.menstuff.org/columns/brott/archive.html
  • Dan Bulf - Get Real - weekly pod cast on men's issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/bulf/archive.html
  • Ken Byers - Transition - on men's life transitions - www.menstuff.org/columns/byers/archive.html
  • Sandra L. Caron - Sex Talk - college students get answers to their questions - www.menstuff.org/columns/sextalk/archive.html
  • Neil Chethik - Relationships - www.menstuff.org/columns/chethik/archive.html
  • Otto & Susie Collins - Susie and Otto - relationship issues discussed - www.menstuff.org/columns/susie&otto/archive.html
  • David Copeland - How to Succeed with Women - www.menstuff.org/columns/howtosucceed/archive.html
  • Forrest Craver - Spirituality & Social Change - www.menstuff.org/columns/craver/archive.html
  • Layne & Paul Cutright - Powerful Partnerships - relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/cutright/archive.html
  • Ron DesMarais - Cavemen in the Kitchen - great recipes for men - www.menstuff.org/columns/desmarais/archive.html
  • Jed Diamond - Irritable Male Syndrome - www.menstuff.org/columns/diamond/archive.html
  • Doc Love - Women Don't Lie, Man Don't Listen - answers to relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/doclov/archive.html
  • Barry Durdant-Hollamby - Creating Change - creating change in your life - www.menstuff.org/columns/durdant/archive.html
  • Irv Engel - The Real Deal - www.menstuff.org/columns/engel/archive.html
  • Nancy Fagan - Expert Dating Advice - with Nancy Fagan - www.menstuf.org/columns/fagan/archive.html
  • Warren Farrell - Men's Issues: Facts and Perspectives www.menstuff.org/columns/farrell/archive.html
  • Leonard Felder - Wake Up or Break Up - www.menstuff.org/columns/felder/archive.html
  • Marty Friedman - Strong Men, Strong Marriage - www.menstuff.org/columns/friedman/archive.html
  • Kim Garretson - Mansgland - using humor to encourage prostate exams - www.menstuff.org/columns/mansgland/archive.html
  • Lion Goodman - How to get Women to Love You - www.menstuff.org/columns/goodman/archive.html
  • Liz Halliday - In a Man's World - www.menstuff.org/columns/halliday/archive.html
  • Rick Hanson - Just One Thing - www.menstuff.org/columns/hanson/archive.html
  • Tim Hartnett - Daddyman Speaks - being a father www.menstuff.org/columns/daddyman/archive.html
  • John Hershey - Blood, Phlegm & Bile: Parenting with Humor - He writes a syndicated biweekly humor column about parenting and family life. www.menstuff.org/columns/hershey/archive.html
  • Gary Hoeber - Psychotherapy as Soul Work, www.menstuff.org/columns/hoeber/archive.html
  • Patrick Houser - Fathers Make a World of Difference, www.menstuff.org/columns/houser/archive.html
  • Paul Joannides - The Guide to Getting It On - on sex - www.menstuff.org/columns/getiton/archive.html
  • Jack Kahn - NOMAS Boston - www.menstuff.org/columns/kahn/archive.html
  • Patrick Kennedy - Seniors - www.menstuff.org/columns/kennedy/archive.html
  • Joe Kort - Gaydar - to increase understanding between gay and het men - www.menstuff.org/columns/kort/archive.html
  • David Kundtz - David Kundtz - presents seminars, workshops, retreats, and conference presentations in the areas of men's emotional health, stress management, and spirituality. www.menstuff.org/columns/kundtz/archive.html
  • Bruce Linton - Dr. Dad - on fathering - www.menstuff.org/columns/drdad/archive.html
  • Ron Louis - How to Succeed with Women - www.menstuff.org/columns/howtosucceed/archive.html
  • Wendy McElroy - Wendy McElroy on Feminism, www.menstuff.org/columns/mcelroy/archive.html
  • Robert N. Minor - Minor Details - on GBT sexuality - www.menstuff.org/columns/minordetails/archive.html
  • Robert L. Moore - Man & Mythology - www.menstuff.org/columns/moore/archive.html
  • Dennis W. Neder - Being a Man - general questions about men's lives - www.menstuff.org/columns/neder/archive.html
  • Marty Nemko - Worklife - general questions about men and work - www.menstuff.org/columns/nemko/archive.html
  • Eli Newberger - Eli Newberger - general information on men's lives - www.menstuff.org/columns/newberger/archive.html
  • Linda Nielsen - Embracing the Father - working with the father/daughter relationship. www.menstuff.org/columns/nielsen/archive.html
  • Kathy Noll - Bullies and Youth Violence - working with schools, teachers and parents to end school violence - www.menstuff.org/columns/noll/archive.html
  • Mark Phillips - Stay-at-Home-Dads - helping men maintain that which makes us men, instead of becoming hairy Mom-substitutes - www.menstuff.org/columns/phillips/archive.html
  • Carey Roberts - Socialism & Feminism - is a social commentator on political correctness. www.menstuff.org/columns/roberts/archive.html
  • Perry Rose - Dating, Relationship, Sex
  • Glenn Sacks - His Side - on fathering - www.menstuff.org/columns/sacks/archive.html
  • Trudy Schuett - Domestic Violence - serving the under-represented www.menstuff.org/columns/schuett/archive.html
  • Carl J. Schutt - Circumcision - social commentator on circumcision - www.menstuff.org/columns/schutt/archive.html
  • Hugo Schwyzer - A Pro-feminist's Response - www.menstuff.org/columns/schwyzer/archive.html
  • Michael Shaffran - Men's Issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/shaffran/archive.html
  • Judith Sherven - Judith & Jim - discussion and answers regarding relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/judith&jim/archive.html
  • Judith Sherven - The New Intimacy - www.menstuff.org/columns/newintimacy/archive.html
  • George Simons - Bellicose Veins - is a US specialist in intercultural and gender communication who hangs out in Mandelieu - la Napoule, France, as well as in Santa Cruz, CA. www.menstuff.org/columns/simons/archive.html
  • Andy Smith - Hard Hat Brotherhood - www.menstuff.org/columns/hardhat/archive.html
  • David B. Smith - Fighting Father Dave - www.menstuff.org/columns/smith/archive.html
  • Jim Sniechowski - Judith & Jim - discussion and answers regarding relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/judith&jim/archive.html
  • Jim Sniechowski - The New Intimacy - www.menstuff.org/columns/newintimacy/archive.html
  • Reena Sommer - Custody - is an internationally recognized relationship and divorce consultant. www.menstuff.org/columns/sommer/archive.html
  • R. Don Steele - Don Steele - relationship questions answered -
  • David Steinberg - Comes Naturally - on sexuality - www.menstuff.org/columns/steinberg/archive.html
  • Mary Lou St Lucas - A Mother's Love - www.menstuf.org/columns/stlucas/archive.html
  • Surprise - Surprise Author - From a new columnist every month - www.menstuff.org/columns/surprise/archive.html
  • Steven Svoboda - Fatherhood, Activism and the Law www.menstuff.org/columns/svoboda/archive.html
  • Michael Taylor - A New Conversation with Men - www.menstuff.org/columns/taylor/archive.html
  • Bruce Van Horn - Yoga for Men - issues around the health benefits of yoga for men - www.menstuff.org/yoga/archive.html
  • Michael Webb - Secrets of Blissful Relationships - on relationship - www.menstuff.org/columns/bliss/archive.html
  • Stuart Wilde - Spirituality - www.menstuff.org/columns/wilde/archive.html
  • Dr.Williams - Sex Health - on sexual health - Dr. Williams, www.menstuff.org/columns/sexhealth/archive.html
  • KC Wilson - On Gender Politics is a social commentator and author. www.menstuff.org/columns/wilson/archive.html


  • Health Tips - on general health - www.menstuff.org/columns/healthtips/archive.html
  • Independent Means - resources for raising financially fit kids - www.menstuff.org/columns/independentmeans/archive.html
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  • Wuzup?! - National or international events happening this month - www.menstuff.org/columns/whassup/archive.html


January is: Birth Defects Prevention, Cervical Health Awareness, National Voluteer Blood Donor; Bald Eagle Watch; Celebration of Life; Fat Free Living; International Get Over It; International Life Balance; It's Okay to Be Different; Love Yourself; March of Dimes Birth Defects Prevention; National Be On-Purpose; National Book; National Clean Up Your Computer; National Environmental Policy Act; National Eye Care; National Glaucoma Awareness; National High-Tech; National Personal Self-Defense Awareness; National Poverty in America Awareness; National Reaching Your Potential; National Yours, Mine and Ours; Senior-Spirit; Sew for the Cure Month.

12/26-1/1: Kwanzaa. 12/31-1/6: Celebration of Life; Diet Resolution; National Lose Weight/Feel Great; New Year's Resolution; Silent Record Week; 1/5-13: Wilderness Wildlife Week of Nature. 1/6-12: Someday We'll Laugh About This Week.1/7-11: National Graves' Disease Awareness Week. 1/7-13: Universal Letter-Writing Week. 1/10-17: International Thank You Days. 1/13-19: Fire the Boss, International Printing, Let Men Be Our Heroes, Special Education Week. 1/14-18: Manwatchers Week. 1/20-26: Healthy Weight, National Creative Frugality, National Nurse Anesthetists, Solo-Preneuring Week. 1/21-25: Direct Deposit Week. 1/22-28: No Name Calling Week 1/21-25: *National Consumer Protection Week. 1/31-2/3: Mid-Winter/Candlemas/Groundhog's Day. 1/1: Attention to Dreams and Desires; Get a Life; Saint Basil's; Z Day. 1/2: Happy New Year for Cats; National Thrift with Flair Day. 1/6: International Respect-full Living Day; National Smith Day. Jan 7: United Kingdom Solid Gold Hat Day. Orthodox Christian Christmas. 1/8: National Bubble; Clean-Off-Your-Desk; Joygerm: Saint Gudula's Feast; Show & Tell at Work Day. 1/12 - National Handwriting Day. 1/15 - Humanitarian, Moliere, National Thank God It's Monday Day. 1/16 - Psychiatric Technicians Day. 1/18: Get to Know Your Customer Day. 1/19: International Sing-out Day. 1/20: Penguin Awareness Day. 1/21: National Hugging, World Religion Day. 1/22: World Religions Day, Celebration of Life Day. 1/23: Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day. 1/24: Just Do It Day - Make the Connection, National Compliment Day. 1/25: A Room of One's Own Day. 1/26: Fun at Work Day, Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement; Spouse's Day. 1/29: Freethinker's, National Puzzle Day. 1/30: Inane Answering Machine Day.

* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.

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 *    *    *
Men are so competitive that we even "out-die" women in all 15 of the major causes of death in the U.S. Most of these deaths are preventable with a positive change in life-style, eating habits, and/or general health care. Let's not strive so hard to hold on to this record. See what you can change now to live a healthier life.

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