Daily Thoughts & Issues



Days left until the next millennium 01.01.3001

Photo of the Week
Didier Givois/Adventure Photo & Film
Achieve Your Dreams

July 27 - National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day U.N., North Korean and Chinese delegates sign the Korean Armistice. * AIDS named (1982) by the Centers for Disease Control that was first described in a CDC newsletter on June 5, 1981. The virus that causes AIDS was identified in 1983 and in May 1985 was named Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses. The first person killed by this disease in the developed world died in 1959. More than 400,000 Americans have died of AIDS. (Only 54,000 Americans died in the Viet Nam war.) Worldwide, more than 19 million people have died of AIDS. * Atlantic Telegraph cable laid (1866) * Insulin first isolated (1921). The insulin was first administered to a diabetic, a 14-year-old boy. * US Department of State Founded (1789). * Birthdays: Jose Celso Barbosa, Christopher Dean, Alexandre (Dumas Fils) Dumas, Leo Durocher, Jerry Van Dyke, Norman Lear, Alex Rodriguez, Jerry Van Duke, James Victor.


Keeping Your Cool. Use ceiling fans to increase air circulation. Keep window shades down. Ventilate the house at night, then close in the cool air during the daytime. Even a summer's breeze can heat the house. Replace incandescent lights with compact fluorescents; incandescents are 90 percent heat and only 10 percent light. The Old Farmer's Almanac

True conversation is an interpretation of worlds, a genuine intercourse of souls, which doesn't have to be self-consciously profound, but does have to touch matters of concern to the soul. Soul Mates

I wish she slept in the nude - Jerry, 33. Best of 1001 Sex Secrets Every Man & Woman Should Know

Mothers are the only race of people that speak the same tongue. A mother in Manchuria could converse with a mother in Nebraska and never miss a word - Will Rogers Dr. Buff's 365 Day Parenting Calendar

If a hobby becomes an end in itself, then it becomes a substitute for rather than a means to self-development. Sometimes it is precisely because they are substitutes for self-development that hobbies are so popular. The Road Less Traveled

Courage is grace under pressure. - Ernest Hemingway. Achieve Your Dreams

Things to Be Happy About: A pot of black cheery ham. The vein pattern in leaves. Understanding a trail map. 14,000 Things to Be Happy About

Don't try diving for the first time in front of a bunch of people. Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me

The degree to which you disclose yourself to your beloved is the degree of intimacy that you will create. If Life is a Game, These are the Rules

Anything less that Win/Win in an interdependent reality is a poor second best that will have impact in the long-term relationship. The cost of that impact needs to be carefully considered. If you can't reach a true Win/Win, you're often better off to go for no deal. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Gay Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodovar's international cult hit Law of Desire, a gay love story, was the top-earning film in Spain in 1986. His next film, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, received a 1988 Oscar nomination for best foreign film. Gay & Lesbian Calendar

Teaching your kids how to handle their money is one of the most powerful gifts you can give them. Not only will it ultimately simplify their lives, but it'll simplify your life, too. Simplify Your Life

If you begin to feel rushed, panicked or otherwise overwhelmed by your work at home or on the job, the following tips may help. (1) Stop and focus on your breathing, gradually slowing it down until you begin to feel a sense of calmness return. (2) Ask for help. (3) Give yourself a relaxation break to allow yourself to collect your thoughts. (4) Break your immediate project into smaller, more manageable parts. Stress Busters

Bend under the hose spray to play limbo!  Whoever doesn't make it under the "pole" gets soaked by the cold water. Unless you're a pro at getting low, wear your swimsuit! To Do Today

Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. - Babe Ruth Win the Day!

More tactics for Helping Bed-Wetters. Many experts believe that moisture-activated bed alarms are the most effective treatment for bed-wetting. When moisture hits the pad, an alarm goes off and wakes the child. This conditions the child to recognize the sensation and wake up before they have to urinate. Limiting or prohibiting your child's intake of caffeine is a good idea as well. Caffeine is a diuretic, a substance that encourages urination. Parents Tips & Tricks

El oeste (ohEHSeh) West. Soplaba una brisa del oeste. A breeze was blowing from the west. Living Language


Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim - George Santayana. Sometimes we work ourselves into such a state that we become fanatics. We lose sight of what our goals are, and we rush ahead for the sake of getting there first. But where is "there?" "Getting there," as the Cunard Line slogan used to say, "is half the fun."  But it's more than that. Getting there is half the process, but you must not forget where you're headed. Producing steam simply produces humidity. I will be clear about my goals and not let the fear of not finishing first enter the picture. Meditations For Men Who Do Too Much

Take short views, hope for the best, and trust in God - Sydney Smith. Since the only moment that truly belongs to us is the present moment, it makes sense to take short views. The longer our view, the less we can participate. Of course, it's possible to take a long view and renew it constantly; this is how we bring our present behavior into line with our long-range goals. If we seriously want to excel at a sport, or law school, or marriage, we need to act in such a way, in the present moment, as to increase the probability that we'll reach our goal. This means practicing, studying, faithfully working at the relationship. If we keep both our short-term and our long-term goals firmly in mind, we'll always know what to do. Yet we can't control the outcome of our present actions. "You're responsible for the effort, not the outcome," a wise friend told me, so I know that when I do the best I can, I've given myself the best chance for happiness. After the effort, all I can do is hope and trust. To live without hope would be to deprive ourselves of sunshine; to live without trust in a power greater than ourselves would be to choose loneliness. We need never be uncertain. If we do our best, our future is assured. We are all members of one family; love and nurture are ours for the asking. Today I'll remember that my life is full of partners. When I do my part to make it successful, I've done the best I can. Family Feelings

Let's face it, the first tours, the Beatles did, the main essential thing was scoring chicks - Paul McCartney. In trying to reach our goals, we can develop tunnel vision. We visualize the end of our efforts and become obsessed with the finish line or the bottom line. We forget that the real reward comes when we remove all lines from our lives and just concentrate on the bottoms, in every sense of the word. When we rush, rush, rush, we can forget that true enjoyment comes from the process. We overlook the violets along with path. We forget about the position that guy in the locker room was describing. Where was her left leg supposed to go again? In a perfect world, there would be no finish lines and all women would be double-jointed. Meditations for Men Who Do Next to Nothing: and would like to do even less

Hey Man: Did you make a difference yesterday? Let us know at Contact Us. Learn how to set goals successfully. What Every Man Needs to Know Want to make a difference but you don't know where to start?


How to Be the One by Roy Sheppard. For men and women who take relationships seriously. Which of these qualities are the most important to you? Do you want someone who is kind, considerate, committed, honest, reliable, loving, compassionate, happy, interesting, optimistic, GSOH, intelligent and physically attractive? How many of these same qualities do you possess? Why would anyone choose to stop their own search once they've met you? Especially in today's online world where almost everyone is now only a click away from being the "ex" in "n-ex-t". In this book, you will learn how to improve your Emotional Fitness by strengthening your Emotional Core: the four qualities that provide you with the emotional stability, depth, and strength to make you as irresistible to a partner as they are to you. Adopt and absorb life-changing wisdom, insights and practical ideas to improve your current relationship or prepare yourself for The One you have yet to meet. www.RoySpeaks.com, 2010 Centre www.BeTheOneBook.com, ISBN 978-1901534139




  • The Advice Diva - The Advice Diva - relationship and sexuality issues discussed - www.menstuff.org/columns/advicediva/archive.html
  • Peter Alsop - Song of the Month - www.menstuff.org/columns/alsop/archive.html
  • Reid Baer - A Man Overboard - Interview of the Month - www.menstuff.org/columns/overboard/archive.html
  • Reid Baer - Poetry - poetry read on YouTube - www.menstuff.org/columns/baer/archive.html
  • Molly Barrow - Shrink About This - www.menstuff.org/columns/barrow/archive.html
  • Peter Baylies - At Home Dads - on at-home-dad issues that impact fathers who stay at home to raise their kids - www.menstuff.org/columns/baylies/archive.html
  • Tom Blake - Middle-Age Relationships - from an expert on dating after 50. www.menstuff.org/columns/blake/archive.html
  • Mark Brandenburg - Great Fathers - on fathering issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/greatfathers/archive.html
  • Ted Braude - BoysWork - a columnist in the The Detroit Free Press "Body and Mind" section www.menstuff.org/columns/braude/archive.html
  • Armin Brott - A Father's Guide - hosts "Positive Parenting" on radio www.menstuff.org/columns/brott/archive.html
  • Dan Bulf - Get Real - weekly pod cast on men's issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/bulf/archive.html
  • Ken Byers - Transition - on men's life transitions - www.menstuff.org/columns/byers/archive.html
  • Sandra L. Caron - Sex Talk - college students get answers to their questions - www.menstuff.org/columns/sextalk/archive.html
  • Neil Chethik - Relationships - www.menstuff.org/columns/chethik/archive.html
  • Otto & Susie Collins - Susie and Otto - relationship issues discussed - www.menstuff.org/columns/susie&otto/archive.html
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  • Layne & Paul Cutright - Powerful Partnerships - relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/cutright/archive.html
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  • Jed Diamond - Irritable Male Syndrome - www.menstuff.org/columns/diamond/archive.html
  • Doc Love - Women Don't Lie, Man Don't Listen - answers to relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/doclov/archive.html
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  • Warren Farrell - Men's Issues: Facts and Perspectives www.menstuff.org/columns/farrell/archive.html
  • Leonard Felder - Wake Up or Break Up - www.menstuff.org/columns/felder/archive.html
  • Marty Friedman - Strong Men, Strong Marriage - www.menstuff.org/columns/friedman/archive.html
  • Kim Garretson - Mansgland - using humor to encourage prostate exams - www.menstuff.org/columns/mansgland/archive.html
  • Lion Goodman - How to get Women to Love You - www.menstuff.org/columns/goodman/archive.html
  • Liz Halliday - In a Man's World - www.menstuff.org/columns/halliday/archive.html
  • Rick Hanson - Your Wise Brain - www.menstuff.org/columns/hanson/archive.html
  • Tim Hartnett - Daddyman Speaks - being a father www.menstuff.org/columns/daddyman/archive.html
  • John Hershey - Blood, Phlegm & Bile: Parenting with Humor - He writes a syndicated biweekly humor column about parenting and family life. www.menstuff.org/columns/hershey/archive.html
  • Gary Hoeber - Psychotherapy as Soul Work, www.menstuff.org/columns/hoeber/archive.html
  • Patrick Houser - Fathers Make a World of Difference, www.menstuff.org/columns/houser/archive.html
  • Paul Joannides - The Guide to Getting It On - on sex - www.menstuff.org/columns/getiton/archive.html
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  • Joe Kort - Gaydar - to increase understanding between gay and het men - www.menstuff.org/columns/kort/archive.html
  • David Kundtz - David Kundtz - presents seminars, workshops, retreats, and conference presentations in the areas of men's emotional health, stress management, and spirituality. www.menstuff.org/columns/kundtz/archive.html
  • Bruce Linton - Dr. Dad - on fathering - www.menstuff.org/columns/drdad/archive.html
  • Ron Louis - How to Succeed with Women - www.menstuff.org/columns/howtosucceed/archive.html
  • Tom Matlack - Tom Matlack - Good Men Project - www.menstuff.org/columns/matlack/archive.html
  • Wendy McElroy - Wendy McElroy on Feminism, www.menstuff.org/columns/mcelroy/archive.html
  • Robert N. Minor - Minor Details - on GBT sexuality - www.menstuff.org/columns/minordetails/archive.html
  • Robert L. Moore - Man & Mythology - www.menstuff.org/columns/moore/archive.html
  • Dennis W. Neder - Being a Man - general questions about men's lives - www.menstuff.org/columns/neder/archive.html
  • Marty Nemko - Worklife - general questions about men and work - www.menstuff.org/columns/nemko/archive.html
  • Eli Newberger - Eli Newberger - general information on men's lives - www.menstuff.org/columns/newberger/archive.html
  • Linda Nielsen - Embracing the Father - working with the father/daughter relationship. www.menstuff.org/columns/nielsen/archive.html
  • Kathy Noll - Bullies and Youth Violence - working with schools, teachers and parents to end school violence - www.menstuff.org/columns/noll/archive.html
  • Mark Phillips - Stay-at-Home-Dads - helping men maintain that which makes us men, instead of becoming hairy Mom-substitutes - www.menstuff.org/columns/phillips/archive.html
  • Carey Roberts - Socialism & Feminism - is a social commentator on political correctness. www.menstuff.org/columns/roberts/archive.html
  • Perry Rose - Dating, Relationship, Sex
  • Glenn Sacks - His Side - on fathering - www.menstuff.org/columns/sacks/archive.html
  • Trudy Schuett - Domestic Violence - serving the under-represented www.menstuff.org/columns/schuett/archive.html
  • Carl J. Schutt - Circumcision - social commentator on circumcision - www.menstuff.org/columns/schutt/archive.html
  • Hugo Schwyzer - A Pro-feminist's Response - www.menstuff.org/columns/schwyzer/archive.html
  • Michael Shaffran - Men's Issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/shaffran/archive.html
  • Judith Sherven - Judith & Jim - discussion and answers regarding relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/judith&jim/archive.html
  • Judith Sherven - The New Intimacy - www.menstuff.org/columns/newintimacy/archive.html
  • George Simons - Bellicose Veins - is a US specialist in intercultural and gender communication who hangs out in Mandelieu - la Napoule, France, as well as in Santa Cruz, CA. www.menstuff.org/columns/simons/archive.html
  • Andy Smith - Hard Hat Brotherhood - www.menstuff.org/columns/hardhat/archive.html
  • David B. Smith - Fighting Father Dave - www.menstuff.org/columns/smith/archive.html
  • Jim Sniechowski - Judith & Jim - discussion and answers regarding relationship issues - www.menstuff.org/columns/judith&jim/archive.html
  • Jim Sniechowski - The New Intimacy - www.menstuff.org/columns/newintimacy/archive.html
  • Reena Sommer - Custody - is an internationally recognized relationship and divorce consultant. www.menstuff.org/columns/sommer/archive.html
  • R. Don Steele - Don Steele - relationship questions answered -
  • David Steinberg - Comes Naturally - on sexuality - www.menstuff.org/columns/steinberg/archive.html
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  • Michael Taylor - A New Conversation with Men - www.menstuff.org/columns/taylor/archive.html
  • Bruce Van Horn - Yoga for Men - issues around the health benefits of yoga for men - www.menstuff.org/yoga/archive.html
  • Michael Webb - Secrets of Blissful Relationships - on relationship - www.menstuff.org/columns/bliss/archive.html
  • Stuart Wilde - Spirituality - www.menstuff.org/columns/wilde/archive.html
  • Dr.Williams - Sex Health - on sexual health - Dr. Williams, www.menstuff.org/columns/sexhealth/archive.html
  • KC Wilson - On Gender Politics is a social commentator and author. www.menstuff.org/columns/wilson/archive.html


  • Health Tips - on general health - www.menstuff.org/columns/healthtips/archive.html
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July is Freedom Month. If you enjoy the benefits this country has to offer, you might check out what kind of men it took to found this country. The Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games. Read this! July is Anti-Boredom; National Mobility; Purposeful Parenting: Recreation and Parks; The month of the Muslim new year; Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness; National Foreign Language Month.

June 27 - July 4: Special Recreation Week. June 25-July 1: Deaf-Blindness Awareness Week. June 27 - July 4: Special Recreation Week. Jul 1-8 Music for Life; July 3-Aug 15: Air Conditioning Appreciation Days. Jul 4-10 - Freedom Week. July 8:-14: National Laundry Workers; National Therapeutic Recreation: Take Charge of Change Week. Jul 9-15 - Nude Recreation. July 15-21: *Captive Nations; Legal Revolution; National Plan to Promote Your Business Week. Jul 1 UN Day of Cooperation; International Joke; National Financial Freedom; National Recreation and Parks; National Purposeful Parenting, Jul 2 - I Forgot; Ducktona 500 Day; July 3: Compliment Your Mirror: Stay Out of the Sun Day. Jul 4 - Independence Day (U.S.); American Redneck; Fear from Fear of Speaking ; Independence-from-Meat Day; Sidewalk Egg Frying; Jul 5 - National Family Day, July 7: Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together; International UN Day of Cooperation. July 9: Don't Step on a Bee Day. July 10: Intern Appreciation Day. July 13: Skeptics' Day. July 14: Cow Apprecaition Day. July 15: National Ice Cream; Saint Swithin's Day. July 16: International Town Criers; Naitonal Get Out of the Doghouse Day. July 17: Wrong Way Corrigan Day. Jul 20 - Ugly Truck; Riot Act anniversary. July 21: Rat-Catchers Day. Jul 22 - Ice Cream Cone Day. July 23: Hot Enough For Ya Day. July 24: Cousins; Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day. Jul 27 - *National Korean War Veterans Armistice; Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day. July 29: *Parents' Day. Jul 30 - Father-In-Law Day, National Parent's Day.

* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.

 *    *    *
Men are so competitive that we even "out-die" women in all 15 of the major causes of death in the U.S. Most of these deaths are preventable with a positive change in life-style, eating habits, and/or general health care. Let's not strive so hard to hold on to this record. See what you can change now to live a healthier life.

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